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Terjemahan Qasas Ul Anbiya Zip Book Full Version Torrent [mobi]


The Qasas Al-Anbiya is a collection of Islamic stories, or hadith, by Wahb ibn Munabbih about the annals of prophets and kings. It includes some biblical stories as well as others drawn from Jewish and Christian sources. This work is divided into two parts: first telling of the annals of prophets that are considered authentic (sahih), then detailing the annals of kings up to Alexander the Great. Popular Beliefs vs RealityI am sure you have had some lessons on Islam at school level. Perhaps, you have also heard about this term, "Popular Beliefs vs Reality" or sometimes seen it written as PBR vs R. When you first read this expression, you may be confused; not understanding how to use this expression in your daily life. The expression means that what people believe to be true (Islam) may actually isn't true (how can Islam be real when many of its practices are against Sharia law?).Islam is opposition to true beliefs of Americans and other Europeans but Islam is not TrueThe term Islam came out the Arabic language meaning submission - making it clear that this religion is not one of submission or surrender. Islam is a way of life, a complete way of life. Muslims are to follow the laws of Islam in every aspect of their lives. Islam is not simply something you believe in your heart, but something you do with your heart, mind and soul.The Origin of the Qur'anThe Qur'an is claimed to be the divine speech (kalam Allah) which has no human intervention in its content or wording. It is claimed to be the literal word of Allah given directly to Muhammad via the angel Gabriel over a period of approximately twenty-two years. The message was memorized by Muhammad's companions who then recited it orally for others until it was written down in 651 AD. This manuscript contains approximately 6,000 verses. It is a collection of 114 verses that were revealed in phases in Mecca in the early Islamic era. The Qur'an claims to be a complete and unalterable guide to all matters of religion, morality and life. Those who deny the Qur'an will be punished for this denial under Islamic law because it is said to be clear and infallible (Sahih), which cannot be changed by any man. The entire text of the Qur'an is considered to form one book, or Al-Kitab or Al-Ketab because it was originally written down on parchment. It is written in Arabic which is a Semitic language, a language that evolved from the Aramaic of Palestine. Islam states that God did not send a new prophet to change Islam but only to confirm it. In the Qur'an, Allah introduced himself before sending Muhammad with his message. In Sura 21:107, Allah said: "We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not."The Qur'an is composed of 114 chapters called suras. Sura 1 was recited by Abubakar after Muhammad died in 632 AD. cfa1e77820


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